Millions of people in the United States live with chronic pain conditions. Over the counter and prescription drugs are the most common treatments for chronic pain. Unfortunately, these carry significant risks when used long term. What is a good solution, then, for these millions impacted by chronic pain? Alternative treatments can not only bring relief but also address the source of the pain, rather than masking symptoms. That’s the only way to find sustained relief without relying on medications for a lifetime. This is where we utilize PEMF therapy. Electromagnetic Pulse Therapy, also known as pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy, is a safe, non-invasive solution that doesn’t pose the same risks as prolonged use of medications.
What is PEMF therapy?
With PEMF therapy, healthy electromagnetic fields are introduced into the body. These are not the dangerous electromagnetic fields that attract so much attention; the frequency and intensity of the therapeutic fields is much lower and has been proven safe time and again in clinical research.
These electromagnetic fields restore natural charge to the cells, allowing your body to repair and heal. The benefits of PEMF are widely recorded in the research, and include decreased inflammation, better muscle function, increased circulation, faster healing from fractures and wounds, improved oxygenation, reduced stress, and effective pain management.
PEMF therapy, used regularly, can optimize the body’s natural functions. The body is designed to heal and regulate its own systems. Electromagnetic pulse therapy simply aids the body in doing what it was designed to do by restoring charge to the cells.
What is diabetic neuropathy?
Diabetic neuropathy, which occurs in up to 50% of individuals with diabetes, is nerve damage caused by high blood sugar. Most often, this damage occurs in the legs and feet. Symptoms range from pain and numbness in the legs and feet to difficulties in the digestive system, urinary tract, blood vessels, and heart. For some, symptoms are mild. But for many, diabetic neuropathy causes intense pain leading to a diminished ability to function.
Connection between PEMF therapy and diabetic neuropathy
Your body needs a substantial supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to have the energy it requires for normal functioning. ATP is produced by mitochondria in the cells. PEMF therapy has been shown to have a positive impact on ATP production.
Increased ATP allows your body to work more efficiently, which leads to increased oxygenation, better circulation, proper hydration, easier detoxifying, and better absorption of nutrients. In diabetic patients, these elements are compromised. It’s logical, then, that boosting these functions will have positive impacts on the effects of diabetes, including neuropathy.
How can Electromagnetic Pulse Therapy help Diabetic Neuropathy?
Diabetic neuropathy is often treated with gabapentin, a medication that can help with pain. Other medications are heavily marketed with claims of alleviating symptoms of neuropathy.
While medications can help reduce pain, they don’t address the cause of the pain. What that often means is the longer the condition persists, and the worse it gets, the less the medication will help. A strong immune system is key in keeping pain at bay. PEMF therapy promotes strong immune function.
Research on diabetic peripheral neuropathy has been mixed, but there is sufficient evidence to suggest that with the right intensity, frequency, and length of treatment, PEMF therapy can provide relief from pain.
A study in 2003 found that PEMF treatment at 10 Hz had therapeutic efficacy, especially in the early stages of diabetic polyneuropathy and in patients who have had diabetic mellitus for up to 10 years.4
A 2004 pilot study of 24 patients with refractory and sympathetic polyneuropathy found that in more than 50% of participants, PEMF treatment could provide short-term analgesic effects.5 An expansion of this study found that although there were no significant differences in neuropathic pain intensity on some pain scales, 44% of the PEMF group reported relief of symptoms on the Patient’s Global Impression of Change scale, vs. 31% of the sham group. Additionally, this study found that 29% of PEMF patients had an increase in distal leg epidermal nerve fiber density (ENFD) while none of the sham group had these results. Increases in distal thigh ENFD were significantly correlated with decreased pain scores.
Two studies presented in 2014 showed that PEMF therapy was effective in improving pain and neurological function in diabetic neuropathy. In the first, 15 patients with significant diabetic neuropathy including pain and sensory loss were treated once a week for eight weeks with PEMF therapy. In this study, pain scores were reduced by 52%. Sensory loss improved by 65.8%, touch sensation improved by 65%, and vibratory sensation improved by 43%.
In the second study, an additional 15 patients were treated with PEMF therapy for 30 minutes to the feet and 15 minutes to the neck and chest. In this study, pain decreased by 46.5%, and pin sensation, touch, and vibration all improved significantly.
This research is encouraging and demonstrates that regular treatment with PEMF therapy may bring significant relief to patients experiencing diabetic neuropathy.
A safe, non-invasive way to manage diabetic neuropathy
With the risks associated with ongoing medication for the management of pain, it’s clear that PEMF therapy is a safer way to manage diabetic neuropathy. Ongoing use of PEMFs allows for pain relief without the risks.
The FlexPulse wearable PEMF machine has a peak intensity of 200 Gauss, providing enough power to offer effective, long term pulsed electromagnetic therapy for pain management and healing.
The applicator pads are lightweight and easily applied to the body wherever treatment is required. With this portable PEMF device, you can stimulate and optimize the function of all the targeted cells, including neurons, tissues, bones, and cartilage.
The FlexPulse is an affordable pain management solution that comes with a 30 -day satisfaction guarantee and a 2-year International warranty, making it a no-risk healing alternative.
Contact us for more information or to purchase a FlexPulse PEMF device.