The Programs

The FlexPulse G2 PEMF device comes with 10 programs. These programs produce pulsed electromagnetic fields tuned to beneficial frequencies selected by experts. The programs run as per the timer and can also be set to be continuously running until the battery runs out. PEMF frequencies of each of our unique PEMF programs and their effects are described below.

Program 1 (P1) – 3 Hz

3 Hz is in the brainwave frequency Delta band. The primary value of 3 Hz is for deep relaxation and help with falling asleep and maintaining sleep. Because the FlexPulse G2 is a battery-operated system, it can be used continuously throughout the night to help to maintain sleep. 

When we are in very deep sleep we are typically in the Delta band or slow wave sleep. This occurs throughout the night, but is the most intense about an hour after falling asleep, lasting about an hour. It is the deepest sleep that we get into during the night. In this stage, the brain slows down dramatically to allow the body to facilitate healing and regeneration of the tissues. So, most healing work of the body during sleep happens in the Delta band. 

The 3 Hz program can be used before sleep to help people fall asleep or under the pillow, for a good part of the night or all night, to help maintain sleep. 

3 Hz can also be very useful if people who are very anxious, agitated, angry or on the verge of developing panic reactions. Applying the coils across the head at the temples or just above each ear, under a headband or hat, usually for about 30 minutes, would help with these irritability situations. 

In addition, people with significant chronic pain who are very aggravated or irritated by their pain would benefit from program 3 especially. 

Other programs (P1, P4) can be useful for sleep as well, but P3, particularly at higher intensities, is more specific for the deepest levels of relaxation.

Program 2 (P2) – 7.8 Hz

7.8 Hz is considered the Schumann resonance and is thought to be the basic or fundamental resonance of the atmosphere of the planet. The Schumann frequencies actually occupy the range of brainwave frequencies, but 7.83 Hz has been determined to be the statistical average of the environmental frequencies.

 7.8 Hz also is in the theta brainwave frequency band. Most of our time spent in sleep during the night is in theta. Part of Theta sleep is dream sleep, which is only about one third of the total sleep time. The rest of the sleep time is non-dream sleep [non-REM sleep]. The relaxation produced by program 3 is much deeper than 7.8 Hz. However, 3 Hz sometimes makes people too relaxed or dopey, so 7.8 Hz would be the next choice. 

7.8 Hz is also considered to be part of theta learning. Most infants and young children, while awake, are mostly in Theta. The brain in Theta is considered to be like a learning or data sponge. Theta allows massive amounts of information to be loaded into the brain. Many people report deep creative insights when stimulated by Theta frequencies. People in the creative arts use Theta states to break through mental blocks.

If someone doesn’t know what frequency or program to use, it’s hard to make the wrong choice if P4 is selected, at least as a place to start. Professional or expert meditators are often in the Theta state. Because Theta frequencies are balancing to the body, they could be placed anywhere in the body.

For learning, relaxation, or sleep benefits, the coils can be placed on the sides of the head in a headband or cap or under a pillow for treatment through the night.

Program 3 (P3) – 10 Hz

10 Hz is in the alpha brainwave frequency band [8 – 13 Hz]. Alpha band stabilizes or augments brain frequency functions, when the baseline brain frequencies are too high or too low. In general, alpha band is his found to predominate during relaxation or meditation. People in alpha are relaxed, meditative, mindful and open-minded.

In a study of healthy women and a sham control group were given ELF-MF (intensity 200 μT) stimulation for 9 minutes. ELF-MF exposure frequencies were 10, 14, and 18 Hz, applied simultaneously to 2 brain areas at the top of the sides of the head (EEG settings C3 and C4) The effects were evaluated by electroencephalogram (EEG). The intent was to change the EEG for a therapeutic application, such as neurofeedback, by inducing a “resonance effect.” Local pulsed ELF-MF significantly decreases beta (15-25 Hz), sensorimotor rhythm (13-15 Hz), and theta (4-8 Hz) powers at a frequency of 10 Hz in C3 and C4 regions (12.0%-26.6%) after exposure (P < .05). The study indicates that PEMF stimulation to the top of the head at 10 Hz may be useful in the treatment of anxiety.

10 hertz stimulation has been studied by NASA on stem cells. With their particular 10 Hz signal, NASA discovered about a 400% increase in neural stem cells and turned on about 160 genes that control growth and regeneration. So, 10 Hz is a useful signal for tissue and cell regeneration.

In addition, research in Germany found that 10 Hz stabilized circadian rhythms. Use of this frequency can restore jet lag and other sleep disturbances. Circadian rhythms control the hormone orchestra of the body and when they are out of alignment or not in their proper phase, many problems begin to show up in the body related to poor hormone function. Stress is a clear example of how circadian rhythms and brainwave frequency patterns can become disrupted. So, 10 Hz can be very useful for reducing many of the physical effects of stress as well as tissue regeneration.

Program 4 (P4) – 14 Hz

14 Hz is the sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) is the idling rhythm for the area of the brain controlling activations of muscle or extremoty movements of the body. It is the long thin area of the brain located from the top of the head to the ear on each side of the head. As SMR increases, a person’s body becomes more relaxed. Hyperactive (ADHD) children have very little SMR activity. In brain areas outside of the motor strip, 12–15 Hz is considered to be low beta. Low beta relates to relaxed attention such as reading or engaging in a relaxing hobby such as knitting. SMR can be used to improve reading speed and comprehension. 14 Hz stimulation has been used to increase peak alpha frequency. So, sometimes 14 Hz will do a better job of enhancing Alpha than using P3 directly.

Use P4 SMR for:

Stimulation at 14 Hz frequency helps reduce insomnia in people suffering from insomnia of the “racy-head,” relaxed-body type. 

SMR occurs when one is in an alert state of mind but without any movement. This frequency has a positive effect on attention and at the same time reduces movement activity. SMR occurs only when one is still.

SMR is aslo used in epilepsy, because it has been shown to reduce seizure activity. SMR can lead increases in arousal. Thus, it can be used in some situations of ADHD. 

The coils are placed over the motor strip areas, both sides of the head just above the tips of the ears. 

SMR stimulation enhances attention and may improve cognitive performance, primarily for attention and improvement of memory. SMR can enhance brain reserve in older people by enhancing working memory.

Program 5 (P5) – 23 Hz

23 Hz is in the Beta brainwave frequency band. This is considered the alertness frequency band.

We are mostly in Beta during the day when we are mentally active and attentive. Beta stimulation improves mental function, and as a result, physical efficiency. People who have mid-day slumps have often shifted their brainwave frequencies out of Beta into increased Theta or Alpha. So, Beta stimulation across the brain in the middle of the day may make somebody much more perky.

Beta can be very useful for people who are sluggish, have brain fog or are tired and even depressed. Beta stimulation can also be very useful for people driving long distances to reduce the fatigue and boredom factor with long-distance driving. Beta stimulation would also be good for people who are driving late at night, regardless of the distance, and who need to be alert for the trip.

Coils in the P5 program can be placed over the solar plexus, upper chest or back of the head or neck for up to 30 minutes to achieve an alertness pickup.

23 Hz should not be used in somebody who is very irritable or anxious without caution, since beta stimulation may increase anxiety symptoms. The same can be said about pain syndromes creating significant irritability. One should probably never use Beta stimulation before bedtime.

Program 6 (P6) – 40 Hz

This is considered the dominant gamma band brain wave frequency. Gamma oscillations are involved and needed for the simultaneous processing of information from different brain areas. Gamma waves are involved in higher brain tasks needed for cognitive functioning, learning, memory and information processing. Gamma improves mental clarity and efficiency improves processing. The faster gamma waves reflect activation of higher brain functions and affect attentive processing of information, active maintenance of memory contents and conscious perception. These waves move rapidly from the front to the back of of the brain in response to sensory inputs like sound, touch and visual stimuli to help the brain to integrate these inputs, consider their importance and then help the brain to react quickly as needed to potential threats or opportunities.

Gamma normally appears most dominantly in the waking state and during dreaming.

Gamma entrainment enhances neuroplasticity, cognitive function, attention and focus, physical task learning, and eye hand coordination.

Gamma stimulation is also helpful in various health conditions such as ADHD, reducing or slowly aging, recovery from alcohol, preventing and treating Alzheimer’s disease, improving brain circulation, helping with problem-solving to produce “eureka moments”, facilitating lucid dreaming and meditation, helping with memory, and feedback, improving standing balance and helping with brain injuries.

It makes sense to use gamma stimulation as often as desired to optimize brain function. It can be used alongside other stimulation as needed and combined in the same session. It may be best to use lower frequency stimulation first before using gamma.

There are a number of conditions or states in which gamma should be avoided: anxiety/PTSD, insomnia, pain, seizure disorders and tinnitus. Enhancing gamma in these conditions may counteract other efforts to reduce these states.

Program 7 (P7) – 50 Hz

This program was added primarily because there have been numerous studies using this particular frequency. It is the primary powerline frequency in Europe.
50 Hz only was used for all of the following conditions:
acute venous insufficiency
allergic rhinitis
amputation stumps
bartholin gland inflammation
chronic endometritis
corneal perforations
corneal trauma
dupuytrens contracture
fracture healing
gastric disorders
intestinal motility
larynx disorders
lumbar spondylitis
meningitis/optic chiasm
muscle fatigue
neuro infection
optic atrophy
peripheral nerve disorder
retinal degeneration
retinal dystrophy
senile dementia/Alzheimer’s
syringomyelia/posttraumatic cystic myelopathy
vascular reactivity

Any of the other programs in the FlexPulse G2 can be used as well to treat these conditions. Treatment of these conditions is not exclusive to 50 Hz only. Ultimately, it will depend on the user and experience to determine which frequencies or programs would be best for any of these conditions. Often, multiple programs can be used in the same or separate treatment sessions to produce the best results.

50 Hz is also in the high gamma range and can be used for gamma applications as well.

Program 8 (P8) – 60 Hz

This program was added primarily because there have also been a number of studies using this particular frequency. It is the primary powerline frequency in the USA and many other areas of the world.

60 Hz only was used for all of the following conditions:

Any of the other programs in the FlexPulse G2 can be used as well to treat these conditions. Treatment of these conditions is not exclusive to 50 Hz only. Ultimately, it will depend on the user and experience to determine which frequencies or programs would be best for any of these conditions. Often, multiple programs can be used in the same or separate treatment sessions to produce the best results.

60 Hz is also in the high gamma range and can be used for gamma applications as well.

Program 9 (P9) – 10 Hz/100 Hz – alternating every minute between these 2 frequencies

The muscles of the body have been found to oscillate at different ranges of frequencies, the most common being 10 Hz and 100 Hz.
10 Hz is the most common oscillation in the largest muscles of the body and the non-skeletal muscles, such as in the intestines and blood vessels.
100 Hz is more often seen in the white muscle of the body, such as in the upper extremities, shoulders and upper chest.
There would be no harm in using 10 Hz or 100 Hz in muscles that do not typically have that respective frequency. Both of these frequencies are healing frequencies regardless.
Program 9 alternates every minute between 10 Hz and 100 Hz. Most of the time, program 9 is going to be used on the muscular, joint, tendon and ligament areas of the body. P3 (10 Hz) can be used alone more often to accelerate tissue healing, whether muscle or other tissue. And, our experience indicates that 10 Hz alone is better for pain management.

Any of the other programs in the FlexPulse G2 can be used as well to treat musculoskeletal conditions. Ultimately, it will depend on the user and experience to determine which frequencies or programs would be best for any of these conditions. Often, multiple programs can be used in the same or separate treatment sessions to produce the best results.

Program 10 (P10) – 1000 (in programming language, 999 Hz rounds up to 1000 Hz)

Recent research has found that square wave 1000 Hz stimulation to the brain was effective in treating acute depression, even in those on medical therapies. Medical therapies unfortunately can take several weeks to actually take effect. This is a very vulnerable time for many people. P6 (1000 Hz) was added to the FlexPulse G2 to help to improve mood. While P5 could also be useful for this purpose, P6 would be recommended for those with recent onset of brief, reactive depression, or even more significant levels of depression, stress or mood change.

1 kHz (1000 Hz) square wave relatively low frequency magnetic stimulation (LFMS) signal has been tested by Rohan et al for the treatment of acute depression. The intensity of the device was about 20 G. The randomized, double blind, sham controlled study was in a large group of stably medicated, depressed patients with either bipolar disorder (BPD) (n = 41) or major depressive disorder (n = 22). They received a single, 20-minute treatment. There was substantial improvement (>10% of baseline) in mood following only this one session of LFMS treatment relative to sham treatment for both diagnostic subgroups. They concluded that there appears to be a broad penetration of the magnetically-induced electric field throughout the cerebral cortex, resulting in rapid changes in mood.

P10 is not proven by any government authority as a formal depression therapy. Coil placements for P10 should be to the top of the head, side-by-side, typically under a hat or cap or over both sides of the forehead. Stimulation time could be anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes, once or twice a day.

While benefits were seen with only one treatment session of 20 minutes, improvements were not substantial, as might be expected with only one treatment session. It is recommended that PEMF therapy using P10 should be applied daily for 20 – 30 minutes twice a day.


It is not recommended to use P10, without first seeing a professional to help with the management of any significant depression. While the above research indicates PEMF therapy may be helpful for helping with depression, PEMF therapy may not be relied upon solely to achieve adequate control of depression.

FlexPulse Programs explained

Side view of the human brain with waves entering and leaving from both the front and the back (Picture 1)

The Science Behind FlexPulse G2 Programs

The FlexPulse G2 is designed to provide a variety of PEMF frequencies to accomplish different stimulation goals. The neurological recovery effects are based on understanding brainwave frequency patterns and physical recovery happens due to cellular repair and hormonal balancing effects of PEMF therapy.

PEMF devices don’t get better than this

Delivered worldwide with 30-days return period & 2 year warranty. With a frequency range of 3 Hz to 1000 Hz, there is nothing like FlexPulse™ PEMF in the market today. It’s the best portable PEMF therapy device, designed for life-long use.
Man walking in nature with PEMF device on the back of his shorts and treatment coils running down to his knee.

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A book written by William Pawluk, Md, Msc, titled "Rational And Science Behind The Flex Pulse Programs"